Profile picture of Jake Hastey

Jake Hastey

Artist, Director, Editor, Writer, Producer

In local newspapers Jake has often been called creative sometimes "endlessly" some times "startlingly", mostly he calls himself fat but as a former ballet dancer this is probably a symptom of his body image disorder more so then reality. Beer gives him a tummy ache and the idea of an alien crawling out of his stomach and singing show tunes has been a mainstay of his nightmares since childhood. He is the Artistic Director and Co-CEO of Toy Guns Dance Theatre/productions and as such has created award winning and commercially successful live performance and video projects. His live performance work can be seen across Canada this summer and if you vote for either of the Storyhive projects he’s involved in you can get a bit of Jake in the comfort of your own home.


1xFunded team lead

Past projects

Princess Charming
Princess CharmingSinger-Songwriter · $40,000 Fund
Team lead

Demo reel

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