Profile picture of Gabe Romo

Gabe Romo

Editor, Producer, Host, Camera Operator, Motion Graphics

Experience: Directing: Dakota Adventure Show, Music videos for various musicians and bands, Documentaries, Travel abroad, Cave Mining and exploration Cameras: Lead camera for API 2017, Channel 18, Various Music Videos, GoPro for YouTube Channel Editing: Lead Editor at Channel 18, Music Videos, TV Shows, YouTube Host: TV Show Host, YouTube Channel Host, Live Events - Fundraisers, Concerts, Church events Music: Lead guitarist in a rock band, Saxophone player, stage presence and speaking skills Personal: Youtube Channel @ Gabe Romo Technical: Cameras: Cannon EOS 70D, GoPro, Drones, Channel 18 Studio cameras and on location cameras Editing Software: Adobe Premier Pro


1xFunded team member

Past projects

Demo reel

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