A security guard gains superhuman powers from a deadly source. Lightning! Thunder! Guitar! A comic book rock opera.
Pitch video
Daniel Plight, a security guard for Genoflex Pharmaceuticals has been mortally wounded while trying to apprehend petty thieves in a factory stockyard. Michelle Striker, the top scientist and researcher for Genoflex, runs to the crime scene. She reveals a glowing green syringe. She plunges the needle deep into his neck. Thunder! Lightning! Guitar!!! Our hero’s voice crackles with energy as he sings out: he is transforming into a superhuman being! And the concert is just beginning… Daniel and Michelle must work together to uncover the dark secrets hidden inside Genoflex, and discover the difference between feeling special and being special.
The team
Our team includes specialists in music, film, writing/creation, community engagement and communication. We are united in a love of comic books and a desire to create a unique and fun new digital work.