Going for Broke
2016 Web Series

Going for Broke

A neurotic, minor league pro-athlete struggles with family and finances to hold it all together for his teenage daughter

Length10 mins.


Pitch video


STUART DOUGAL is a pro athlete and proud father of a precocious 13-year-old daughter, HAILEY DOUGAL-HERTINSKI. Normally a teenager would be proud of a pro-athlete dad. But normally, that dad wouldn’t still be toiling in the minor leagues. As a golfer. Stuart’s ex and Hailey’s mom, SHANA, has since moved on to greener pastures, marrying KENNETH, a guy she met after visiting a cosmetic surgeon for a no-cost consultation - Kenneth being the cosmetic surgeon. Now, Hailey has a higher credit limit than her dad, who made $17,437 dollars last year. Throw in a looming fortieth birthday and a precarious dating life, and it’s all Stuart can do to keep his career from wreaking havoc with his personal life, while his personal life wreaks havoc with his career.

The team

We are very excited about the talent and profile of the people involved in getting the project to screen. If you can help us out in a social media/marketing capacity, please contact Project Lead for details. Thanks!

Profile picture of Fred  Ewanuick
Fred EwanuickProducer, Actor