Disintegrate (Feat. Shugarboy)
2016 Music Video

Disintegrate (Feat. Shugarboy)

A beautiful girl tries to run away from a monster she is no longer in love with but he just can't let go of her.

Length4 min 13 seconds


Pitch video

The artist

Danaka Lawrence

Danaka Lawrence

View artist's website
About the song

Disintegrate is about being addicted to the comfort of someone you love and weak for them when they want you back. its about remembering all the reasons you decided to leave in the first place. Sometimes its hard to get over someone especially when they are always trying to win your attention.

The team

Amazing artists that want to paint a beautiful picture and story for you through music and film. :)

Profile picture of Jacqueline Sonegra
Jacqueline SonegraProducer, Social Media Strategist