2018 Music Video
Monkey Paw
After crash landing on a post-apocalyptic planet, two martians discover how media destroyed a society known as "Earth".
Pitch video
The artist
Shay Hayashi
View artist's websiteAbout the song
"Monkey Paw" is a song that muses on the dangers of modern media. We can live in two worlds now, thanks to technology. One can be touched and felt. The other puts you into captivity using an infinite mirage accessible by fingertip. Barraged with new forms of entertainment, it's easier to alienate yourself than ever before.
The team
Tired of doing the same old motion graphics? Wanna create something that is out of this world (pun intended)? We want you to join our team. Lead filmmaker Brett Roberts, (VICE, Netflix) and Phono Pony invite you to join our odyssey.
Brett RobertsDirector