2015 Music Video
Our heroine arrives at the shore of mysterious country, following the signs on her search to save her lost love.
Pitch video
The artist
Brandon Fletcher
View artist's websiteAbout the song
Vast and explorative, "Shame" is pushing through the mistakes we've made as imperfect beings in the pursuit of love, even in the face of great personal risk. Expansive aerial shots and intimate close-ups of our heroin while she traverses ocean, wilderness, mountains and eventually another dimension using strange technical or magical objects.
The team
We're Cory and Brandon. Cory's music features layers. Brandon's videos do too, really. Together we have a pretty great music video idea that we think will inspire you like it's inspired us. We're eager to bring our vision to your various screens!
Brandon FletcherDirector, Editor, Producer, Motion Graphics
Cory MyraasArtist, Band, Producer