The Camp(us)
2018 Indigenous

The Camp(us)

Justice Murray Sinclair famously said: “Education has gotten us into this mess, and education will get us out.”



Pitch video


The residential school system has become a symbol of the colonial socio-economic oppression felt by the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. Twenty two years after the last residential school has closed we see its effects in our school system today. However, amongst these numbers are outstanding students utilizing their post-secondary education to cultivate their own personal relationships with their culture. The story we are hoping to tell is that of the Indigenous learner today. We hope to acknowledge the atrocities of residential school and its impact on the subsequent generations of Indigenous people through a celebration of their successes. By showcasing the unique work being done by these students we hope to inspire further generations and foster a respectful dialogue with the public.

The team

Our objective as storytellers is to motivate our audience to develop their own learning interests and critical thinking – to create unique and eye-catching content that serves to disseminate socially and scientifically important information.