Two Wheel View
2019 Documentary

Two Wheel View


Pitch video


Interview Roster

The Staff
The Staff

The people that make the gears turn. The program staff have many different gifts and talents and are the ones doing the work whether it be in the shop tuning bikes for a school group or taking kids on a bike trip. They will be the anchors for the story, providing insight into how they pedal towards making a difference each day.

The Youth
The Youth

These are the key players in the story. It is why Two Wheel View exists and why everyone involved puts so much effort into making sure the youth come out on top. We want to get their perspective on the programs and how important it is for them to be there, and perhaps what they learned or could tell other youth looking at doing something similar.

The Volunteers
The Volunteers

The volunteers are some of the most important people who do the dirty work to ensure kids get bikes. They are the ones dedicating time every week to come down to the shop and crank on bikes just because they love it. It is important we get some insight into who they are and why they

The Founders
The Founders

We are going right to the source to get the origin story on how it all began. We will speak with Rick and Tanya McFerrin, who have pedaled over 15,000 miles through 43 countries across the world.

Production Design

The film will be filmed as a lifestyle documentary. We want to keep things natural, with as little setup as possible so as to keep the story genuine with little interference. It is important to us to show how awesome these people and what they are doing for their community and the youth who are benefiting from it.
We will use several locations which are pertinent to the story of the film: Calgary, Morley, Eden Valley, and Tsuut'ina First Nations.
The documentary will take the audience into the world of Two Wheel View. Using the camera to capture as best we can the inspiring story of this community project and delivering it as though the viewer was there experiencing it for themselves. The story will be driven by a narrative delivered through interviews from people involved in the community initiative.
The use of motion graphics will come into play to support the film. Maps, statistics, titles, and infographics will be greatly enhanced by our design crew and integrated into the film.